12 minutes
The Moon Isnt Real
From a bunker deep within the heart of the Canadian Shield, Ender Shepard here.
Have you ever looked up in the sky and wondered what the “Moon” was?
The Moon Hoax

“I don’t know if there are men on the moon, but if there are they must be using the earth as their lunatic asylum” - George Bernard Shaw
There are many theories made by people who have a functional brain. These people don’t just believe everything the Government and NASA tell them.
In the Government propaganda system, also known as school, we are told as children that the “Moon” is made out of rock and that it orbits the Earth and it is tidal locked to the Earth with gravitational forces. What a load of bollocks! We are brainwashed to believe the “Moon” is required for the tides and other functions for life on the planet.
This is quite different from reality. It is not a “heavenly body” and it is not required for life to function. The “Moon” is a recent phenomenon.

The “Moon” is an artificial construct (or a hollowed-out planetoid) that has been put into orbit in order to brainwash and mind control all human life on Earth. I had always suspected this, even as a small child but I had never read or heard anyone talk about it.
It is well beyond a miraculous coincidence that the “Moon” simply exists where it is.
- The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties and none of them could be considered remotely watertight. - Who Built the Moon by Knight and Butler.
Isaac Asimov describes the Moon, which has no atmosphere and no magnetic field, is basically a freak of nature in that Earth is the only planet in the solar system orbited by a satellite so big in relation to the world it orbits. It is even bigger than the ex-planet Pluto. Some scientists (the ones who don’t lie) have called it a twin-planet system.
… we cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon by rights ought not to be there. The fact that it is, is one of those strokes of luck almost too good to accept … Small planets, such as Earth, with weak gravitational fields, might well lack satellites …
… In general, then, when a planet does have satellites, those satellites are much smaller than the planet itself. Therefore, even if the Earth has a satellite, there would be every reason to suspect … that at best it would be a tiny world, perhaps 30 miles in diameter. But that is not so. Earth not only has a satellite, but it is a giant satellite, 2,160 miles in diameter. How is it then, that tiny Earth has one? Amazing. -Isaac Asimov.
The “Moon” has a ton of anomalies too! The “Moon” has no magnetic field but moon rocks are magnetised. The “Moon” produces precisely the same seismic vibrations whenever it moves closer to the Earth. The oldest rocks collected from the Moon are older than any found on Earth! Some of these “Moon” rocks date back 4.5 billion years and that makes them a billion years older than Earth. And there was even one moon rock that was dated at 5.3 billion years old. “Science” has no idea where the Moon came from or how it was formed. At least, this is what they want us to believe.
Before the “Moon” was put into Earth’s orbit, the planet was covered in water vapour and lush forests. Once it was in place, there was harsh rain for fourty days and fourty nights. This caused the deluge that pretty much every religion has documented in their texts.
Isn’t it odd that the Moon appears to be the same size as the sun during an eclipse?

Hollow Moon
Indications exist that the “Moon” is hollow, such as the core being far less dense than the outer layers. Dr. Gordon MacDonald, NASA scientist, claimed in the early 1960s that ‘it would seem that the Moon is more hollow than a homogenous sphere’. Some scientists believe that the “Moon” either does not have an iron core or that it is hollow.
During the Apollo 12 mission in 1969, seismometers were set up and they intentionally crashed the Lunar Module into the Moon, causing an impact which would be the equivalent to one ton of TNT. The shockwaves built up for eight minutes and NASA scientists claimed the “Moon” had rang like a bell.
During the Apollo 13 mission to the “Moon” in 1970, the Saturn V launch vehicle crashed into the moon, it’s impact was the equivalent to eleven tonnes of TNT. NASA scientists claimed the “Moon” reacted like a gong and it continued to vibrate for three hours.

Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov write an article in a 1970 issue of the Soviet Sputnick Magazine called “Is the Moon a Creation of Alien Intelligence?” where they suggested that the “Moon” was a planetoid that had been hollowed out using huge machines by unknown beings with highly advanced technology.
I’ve discussed these “unknown beings” before, they’re called reptilians. We wrote some articles.
Vasin and Scherbakov said the machines would have melted rock to form cavities in the moon and poured lava onto the surface to produce a lunar landscape made of metallic slag.
If you are going to launch an artificial sputnik, then it is advisable to make it holiow. At the same time it would be naive to imagine that anyone capable of such a tremendous space project would be satisfied simply with some kind of giant empty trunk hurled into near-Earth trajectory.
It is more likely that what we have here is a very ancient spaceship, the interior of which was filied with fuel for the engines, materials and appliances for repair work, navigation instruments, observation equipment and ali manner of machinery … in other words, everything necessary to enable this ‘caravelie of the Universe’ to serve as a Noah’s Ark of inteliigence, perhaps even as the home of a whole civilisation envisaging a prolonged (thousands of miliions of years) existence and long wanderings through space (thousands of millions of miles).
Naturaliy, the huli of such a spaceship must be super-tough in order to stand up to the blows of meteorites and sharp fluctuations between extreme heat and extreme cold. Probably the she Ii is a double-layered affair - the basis a dark armouring of about 20 miles in thickness, and outside it some kind of more loosely-packed covering (a thinner layer - averaging about three miles). In certain areas - where the lunar ‘seas’ and ‘craters’ are, the upper layer is quite thin, in some cases, non-existent. -Sputnik Magazine
That’s no moon. It’s a space station.

The so-called “Moon” is just the ‘modus operandi’ of these reptilians. They construct these massive spheres with the goal of travelling the Universe and hijacking planets in precisely the same way they have with the Earth.
The Reptilians cause massive geological mayhem whenever they put their space stations in orbit around a planet, or move them. This is precisely what hwas described in ancient accounts before the Golden Age was ended by catasrophe. The ancients constantly blamed ‘serpent gods’ for what happened to the planet, but I know they were talking about the alien reptilians.
Before this space station had been put in orbit, it destroyed a planet in between Mars and Jupiter, which became the asteroid belt.
The catasrophe of the “Moon” being put into orbit created the seasons. Ancient people describe ‘serpent gods’ who taught them about the seasons. Why would they need to be taught if they always had them?
Is it just a coincidence that George Lucas created the ‘Death Star’ and made it look like a moon? It’s not. The neanderthal elite know the true story of what happened in ancient times when their reptilian enemies arrived. They put stuff like this in movies for their freemasonic buddies.
The ‘Death Star’ was a battle station the size of a small moon which had an array of turbolasers and tractor beams. It had the firepower much greater than half of the Imperial fleet. Inside its cavernous interior were legions of Imperial storm troopers, fightercraft, detention blocks and interrogation cells.
It is interesting that George Lucas told a story of the ‘Death Star’ moon using advanced technology to blow up planets when this is a common trope in ancient accounts and research of people like Immanuel Velikovsky.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Seems more like it was based on events much closer to home.
Ancient Aliens

There are many legends that talk about the “Moon” in the ancient world. The Indian god, Chandra, rode the “Moon” through the sky pulled by ten white horses. The Greek “Moon” goddess, Selene rode a chariot. The Romans called her Luna, which is Latin for the moon. The “Moon” goddess was depicted as a virgin mother with ’the serpent moon’ at her feet.
Credo Mutwa knows much of Zulu lore and has a lot to tell about the “Moon” being hollow. In Zulu lore, the “Moon” was the home of the Python, or ‘Chitauri’ which were basically the reptilians. The Zulu legends state that the “Moon” was brought to Earth by the two leaders of the reptilians, Wowane and Mpanku, also known as the ‘Water Brothers.’ They stole the “Moon” and ‘rolled it across the earth’ which caused cataclysmic events on Earth.
This is quite similar to Sumerian and Mesopotamian accounts of Enlil ad Enki, who were the leaders of the Anunaki. Symbolism of the “Moon” can be seen throughout the ancient world. Those same Zulu legends talk about Reptilians arriving from the “Moon” and entering the water - giving them the name ‘Water Brothers.’
Moon Worship under names like ‘Sin’, ‘El’ and ‘Allah’ now make sense. Reptilian gods based in the Moon were feeding off the energy of the people who were worshipping them under a series of different names and dieties.
Zulu legends state that before the “Moon” existed, Earth had no seasons and the planet was surrounded by a canopy of water vapour. They could only see a watery mist. Earth was a beautiful lush and green place. When the Moon arrived, the water canopy fell to the Earth and created the biblical deluge.
The legends say that the Reptilians manipulate the Earth from the Moon. Zulus and other native African accounts say the “Moon” was built far away and that it was a vehicle to travel the Universe. The “Moon” is a giant alien mothership where the reptilians hid when the Earth experienced the Great Flood. The Reptilians regularly travel to Earth from the “Moon” in flying saucers.
While this Great Flood was killing all the humans on the planet, the Hive-mind neanderthals were surviving underground where they built the quantum computer with two personalities - Boaz and Jachin.
The arrival of the Reptilians in their “Moon” transformed everything on Earth. It even changed the Earth’s rotation and angle. Ancient legends would say ’the earth turned over.’

Zulus and other African people are not alone in these beliefs. Ancient Greek Authors, Aristotle and Plutarch, Roman Authors Apollonius Rhodius and Ovid, all mentioned people called Proselenes who claimed the lands in Arcadia because their ancestors were there before the existence of the “Moon”. Proselene means ‘before Selene’ - Selene is the Greek goddess of the Moon. The Roman writer, Censorinus referred to a time aeons ago when there was no “Moon.”
The Mozces of Columbia say they remember a time before the present Moon became a companion of the Earth. Babylonian’s had depictions of the “Moon” between Venus and the Sun, in the eleventh century BC.
Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, a stone tablet was unearthed in 1903. German Archaeologist, Edmund Kiss, said it included a calendar based on observatiosn from advanced astronauts from aeons ago. Dr. Hans Schindler Bellamy and Dr. Peter Allan released a book called “The Great Idol of Tiahuanaco” where they translated writings on the stone. They claimed the sombols were a record of the Moon coming into orbit around the Earth 11,500 to 13,000 years ago. This coincides with the Great Flood and the end of Atlantis.
Tiahuanaco is full of moon gods and goddesses, moon temples and even moon houses.
The Reptilians and the Moon Matrix

The “Moon” is a major location for their genetic program to create Reptilian-human bloodlines. Just think, what if we called it the moonarchy, or the weapon the system uses to control us - mooney. The reptilians in the “Moon” have used these to subjugate many worlds and peoples. Their moon spaceships hijack planets and impose control systems to suppress and manipulate the population using holograms, mind control and through corporations like Microsoft. Major Illuminati bloodlines have passed their genes through the ages via interbreeding.
So there is a battle for control of our minds between the reptilians and the hive-mind neanderthallers. One uses the moon to brainwash people, and one manipulates our minds via the medulla.
What is the famous masonic saying?
As above (the moon), so below (the hive-mind Boaz and Jachin).
Let that sink in.
Next time you look up into the sky, ask yourself:
- Why is the “Moon” too big and too far out to be a natural satellite?
- Why does the “Moon” has such shallow craters?
- Why and how does the “Moon” sustain its bulge?
- Why are some “Moon” rocks older than the Earth?
- Why does the “Moon” seem “inside out”?
- How do you explain the mysteries of the maria and mascons?
- How can the Moon be dry as dust but have occasional clouds of water vapour?
- Why does the “Moon” “ring like a bell” or a “huge gong”?
- How can the “Moon” produce so many contradictions of data and findings?
Open your mind. Don’t be one of the sheeple.