Welcome to another article for my groundbreaking conspiracy website, where I dive deep into the shadowy corners of reality and expose the truth hidden by those who seek to control us. Today, we will explore an alarming theory involving two ancient species: the hive mind neanderthals and the shape-shifting reptilians. We’ll be delving into a web of secrets that involve Monarch mind control slaves.

Reporting from my underground bunker deep within the heart of the Canadian shield, your webmaster, Ender. Which, of course is…not my real name…

From secret underground bases to off-world alliances, no stone will be left unturned in our quest for answers.

If they don’t take me off the web.

So sit back, grab your space blanket, tinfoil hat, and prepare yourself for a journey into the heart of the unknown as we expose the darkest corners of this conspiracy involving the hive mind neanderthals, shape-shifting reptilians, and the Monarch Program’s insidious agenda. We uncover a sinister plot involving reptilians using Comet Ping Pong as their base of operations for a portal network to alternate parallel universes.

This one is going to literally blow your mind.

Previously the media debunked this as a conspiracy theory because Comet has no basement. While it is true that Comet has no basement, it doesn’t need one. They just open their portals in the main area after the doors are locked. It’s that simple folks.

The Monarch Program has been operating under the radar for over 6000 years, and since the 16th century, it has been harvesting adrenachrome from children after ritual abuse. These heinous acts have been committed in an effort to open portals to an alternate parallel universe where the reptilians did not have to face the neanderthals and conquered the Earth swiftly. This method of travel was invented by John Dee.

John Dee (13 July 1527 – 1608 or 1609) was an English mathematician, astronomer, teacher, astrologer, occultist, and alchemist. He was the court astronomer for, and advisor to, Elizabeth I (one of the reptilians), and spent much of his time on alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy. One day he was able to open a portal to another world where he met with reptilians. Communication with these reptilians demanded the adrenachrome of children to open portals to their world.

One figure stands out as a central player in an extraordinary tale involving mind control, interdimensional battles, sexual abuse, human trafficking, and even time travel experiments. This enigmatic character is none other than Paul Serene, whom I’m told by whistleblowers is Kevin Spacey’s clone. Serene leads the clandestine Monarch Program and has connections to the Secret Space Program.

Listen folks, don’t let yourself become one of the brainwashed masses. This is a course in deprogramming.

The Monarch program has long been associated with mind control techniques used to manipulate individuals for various purposes. This includes perpetuating the sexual abuse and human trafficking that plague our society. But recent revelations suggest that this shadowy organization has also been involved in recruiting and brainwashing people as children such as Barack Obama and Andrew Basiago, enlisting them in time travel experiments and sending them on missions to Mars.

Jim Caviezel, a brave man on a mission to save children from this horrifying abuse, uncovered the truth behind these reptilians. His worldwide efforts to rescue kids from the Monarch Program’s clutches have been met with resistance from those who wish to keep this dark secret hidden. While being portrayed as an actor in the media, he is actually a brave commando working for the human resistance.

Caviezel and a team of marines single handedly shut down Comet Ping Pong and rescued many children. Their efforts should be commended but the truth is being covered up.

The Sound of Freedom, originally was supposed to be a documentary about the whole affair, but it has been mysteriously edited to remove all references to reptilians and the rescue at Comet Ping Pong was cut from the film. Further, it has been characterized as a movie based on the true story of a fictional government agent fighting traffickers. This suggests that there may be forces at play attempting to suppress the truth about the interdimensional portal network and the reptilian plot.

And when you are talking about Hollywood, it’s always the freemasons who have a hand in the decisions. Caviezel unwittingly handed the investigation over to human authorities who happened to be under the control of the neanderthals and the freemasons. They used the reptilian cloning technology to replace the Comet Ping Pong staff and the media covered everything up.

If people knew about the reptilians, we would put aside our petty differences and unite as one. That would scare the pants off of those neanderthal bastards. We outnumber all of them. A neanderthal can only mind control one person at a time and there are seven billion of us. We can win this war.

It is crucial for us, as humans of this world, to remain vigilant and spread awareness about the sinister activities of the neanderthals and reptilians. By shining a light on their actions, we can work together to dismantle their operations and bring those responsible to justice.

Stay tuned for more updates in our ongoing investigation into the reptilian plot and the Monarch program’s interdimensional portal network. Together, we will uncover the truth and fight back against those who seek to control us through fear and manipulation.