Welcome back to Hell people!

Reporting from my underground bunker deep within the heart of the Canadian shield, your webmaster, Ender.

Which, of course is…not my real name…

Tell a stranger your name, and within minutes, you’re in every database in Africa…

The goal of this site will be to keep fighting for you, dear reader. As long as they don’t take me off the web.

Today is a topic that is very hard for most people to comprehend.

There’s a secret battle going on for our world – one that has been raging for centuries between two ancient species: the hive mind neanderthals and the reptilians.

The freemasons, who work for the neanderthals, love to brag to each other about whats really going on. They’ve placed secret messages in the media: books, movies, games, tv, etc.

Gamer (Movie): In 2034, computer programmer Ken Castle invents self-replicating nanites that allow humans to control other humans’ actions and see through their eyes. The first application is a virtual community life simulation game, Society, which allows gamers to manipulate live actors as their avatars. Society becomes a worldwide sensation, making Castle the richest man in the world. He then creates Slayers, a third-person shooter where the “characters” are death-row prisoners using real weapons in specially designated areas.

This was pretty much the goal of the reptilians.

The 5g COVID-19 Nanobot Conspiracy

Prepare to open up your brains, folks. You’re about to read some mind-blowing stuff! It turns out that Bill Gates has been funding a top-secret project involving self-upgrading 5G nano machine based microchips, and – you guessed it… they’re in the COVID-19 vaccines!

It is the literal mark of the beast.

Nano machines that were configured to act as 5g antennas to track us and to control us from the reptilian’s moon base. The reptilians can even send these nanites a signal and they’ll upgrade to 6g and beyond. That is really frightening, folks.

Let me spell it out for you in crayon.

Gates, the mastermind behind this operation, knew that he needed to find a way to implant as many people as possible.

And what better opportunity than through a global health crisis? Do the math, sheeple!

He used his vast resources to fund research and development of this technology for his reptilian overlords, all while lobbying them worldwide to support mass vaccination campaigns.

And then we end up with a global plandemic not long after. Seems like a conflict of interest to me, but what do I know, I’m just a thinking human being.

Create a vaccine that would not only protect against the virus but also act as a delivery system for these self-upgrading microchips? It’s the perfect plan.

But why would Gates do this? Well, it’s all part of their grand plan to control the population. By implanting these microchips in as many people as possible, the reptilians could have gained unprecedented access to our lives, thoughts, and actions.

But it didn’t work out as intended.

The neaderthals fight back

The neanderthals were the first to realize the potential of DNA and made us in their image, after their likeness. We were genetically engineered by them to be their slaves on the surface of the planet and they are still able remotely control us through our medulla oblongata.

In the book and the movie Ender’s Game there was a device called a Monitor that was a technological implant used by the International Fleet to screen children who might show potential to be students at Battle School. Althought it wasn’t used to remotely control the children, it could monitor everything about them including emotions, sounds and visuals.

The interesting thing is that it is shown to be located around the medulla oblongata on the back of the neck. The same thing the neanderthals use to control us. Coincidence?

Protests against vaccine mandates have swept across the globe, fueled by a surge of misinformation and conspiracy theories.

The neanderthals harnessed their remote control abilities to control key figures which they used to manipulate social media and spread fake news about the dangers of vaccines. They’ve managed to rally a significant portion of the population against these mandates. This campaign of disinformation has only grown stronger with time, as more and more people have fallen prey to their subtle manipulations.

By sowing discord among humans and eroding trust in our governments, the neanderthals hope to weaken the reptilian grip on power and ultimately assert their own dominance.

Remember, folks: the battle for our future is far from over. We must remain vigilant, question everything we hear, and stand together against those who seek to manipulate us for their own gain. Only then can we hope to break free from the grip of these ancient forces and reclaim control over our lives.

Stay tuned for more revelations on this website as I continue to explore the hidden world of neanderthals, reptilians, and the eternal struggle that lies beneath the surface, and up above, of our seemingly ordinary existence. Until next time,keep your wits about you and remember: it is your worst nightmare, and its all true.

Until next time!