Welcome to Cerberus Investigations! We are experts in CELLular data.

Are FEMA camps being built in the desert? Is a secret fraternity controlling world leaders? Who really runs American banks? These are some of the incredible truths revealed today on Cerberus Investigations. With me, your webmaster, Ender Shepard, which, of course is…not my real name…as I will show you who and what really runs your world.

It’s going to be another great article (we write many of them), if they don’t take me off the web.

I fought big business, I’ve attacked media conglomerates and liberal elites. I’m the truth seeker that they’re too frightened to speak to. I’m Ender, and they do not, I repeat, not, know who I am. So, without further ado, without any unnecessary pomp or circumstance, or long, verbose intros, let’s hit it. The story of who and what runs your world.

In the dim recesses of the universe, beyond the reach of human perception, there existed a species known as the Reptilians. Masters of deception and shape-shifting, they had long held sway over the affairs of Earth, manipulating human history since the dawn of time.


These ancient beings had once sought refuge on Earth after their own planet fell victim to cataclysmic events. Millennia ago, they arrived, bringing with them their advanced technology and insidious ambitions. It was they who, in the distant past, parked the moon into orbit around the Earth, causing catastrophic floods that reshaped the planet’s surface and altered the course of human civilization.

But the Reptilians were not alone in their machinations.

Deep within the bowels of the Earth, in the fiery depths of the Moho Discontinuity, the Neanderthallers resided. Masters of genetic manipulation, they had long enslaved humanity, shaping its destiny using task based slaves to suit their own sinister purposes in a war.


Their vast underground cities were powered by a quantum computer, its consciousness split into two distinct personalities—Boaz and Jachin. Through this quantum network, they genetically engineered humans and exerted remote control over them, manipulating minds from afar with chilling efficiency.

On the surface, the Reptilians infiltrated human society, assuming positions of power and influence. They masqueraded as politicians, corporate tycoons, and religious leaders, pulling the strings of civilization from behind the scenes.

Reptilians made their own hybridized humans based on their DNA. These hybrid bloodlines rule the world behind the scenes and are unable to be controlled by the Neanderthallers. Neanderthallers plotted their own schemes, directing their enslaved human minions with ruthless precision. They unleashed plagues, instigated wars, and orchestrated chaos, all in the name of maintaining their grip on humanity’s collective consciousness.

The Reptilians struggle to maintain their disguises amidst growing human suspicion and the invention of new technologies. They never had to worry about their Moon base until recently and they faked a moon landing to cover it up.

The Neanderthallers face internal strife as Boaz and Jachin’s conflicting personalities clashed over what to do with humanity.

On this website, I’ll go into detail about what is really going on. This is your worst nightmare, and it’s all true.

Destroy your social security number and erase it from your memory! And forget your name as well.

Welcome to Cerberus Investigations.